'The Antique Show' is a documentary series focusing on the fantastic characters, unique items and fascinating stories one often hears when visiting some of the fantastic antique fairs throughout the US. It's about educating, inspiring and enriching the lives of viewers, whilst also being highly entertaining and even a bit addictive!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Other Brimfield Interviews
BJ Pawlaczyk knows a whole lot about vintage outboard motors and was happy to share his passion and knowledge about this really neat subject.
Liam O'Bannion knows a lot about baseball memorabilia and we jumped at the opportunity to pick his brain!
Clay Smith is a wonderful character and always has a booth full of amazing toys and other interesting items; from amusement park rides to steif stuffed animals, automatons and more!
Al Roche always brings some wonderful, handmade sculpture to Brimfield.